Friday272024DecemberThe Intimate Wedding ofNinie & Soonyoung
니니 & 순영To Mr./Mrs./MissInvited guests -
Two souls with but a single thought,
two hearts that beat as one.단 하나의 생각을 가진 두 영혼, 하나로 뛰는 두 심장 -
Nini Yauwalatta
니니 야우왈라타Daughter of Mr. Tia Yauwalatta/Yauw Kok Tjeng (alm)
& Mrs. Wong Hoei Tjeng -
Soonyoung Chang
장순영Son of Mr. Chang Seonggi (alm)
& Mrs. Choi Jongwoul -
A forever
journey with
you -
Bride and Groom Photo Gallery
27Dec2024Wedding Ceremony (Pemberkatan) 09:30 WITAWedding Reception (Resepsi)
11:00 WITAVenue :Restaurant Bambuden 1 North
First FloorGunung Latimojong St No. 55Directions to Location
Makassar City - South Sulawesi
Indonesia -
It is a joy and honor for us, if you are willing to attend and give your blessing to the bride and groom.Respectfully InvitedNini Yauwalatta
니니 야우왈라타Daughter of
Mr. Tia Yauwalatta/
Yauw Kok Tjeng (alm)
& Mrs. Wong Hoei TjengSoonyoung Chang
장순영Son of
Mr. Chang Seonggi (alm)
& Mrs. Choi JongwoulSorry, Please do not give greetings
in the form of flower arrangements
Maaf, Mohon Tidak memberikan
ucapan berupa karangan bunga -
Count Down00Days00Hours00Minutes00SecondSend greetings to the bride and groomAdd to Calendar
and confirm attendance
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- Groom
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- Thanks
27 Dec 2024
09:00 WITA
Restaurant Bambuden 1 North First Floor - Gunung Latimojong St No. 55 - Makassar City - South Sulawesi